Category Archives: Cawu

A Bit Dreary

Refuse, again, for the third times?

A deadpan about me?

Ah hectic probably, I hope

Wanna see you

Pay my longing

A month not a visual

A month not a voice

Ah my sisterly Blood

You obliously cannot keep away the sorrow

Maybe significant other presence

Maybe another one

Ah beautiful ancient Ivory

Display in the museum

Cannot touch you,

Iam merely onlooker

Who admire, adore

Oh how the future will unfolded

I would be freeze see you

The burden of a long long time yearning

Apprehensive me

Can cause my feet frosted

Ah either way

I hope all will not happen

We shall be together together

Pay my due


Me, Embrace the Time

My mind is mine, but when almost every second is thinking about you, is it belong to me?

“Every morning I wake up and I think that I never want to be far from you.” (quote from the movie 🙂

Every wake up hours, every sobering second, you are in my head. But now, how Iam different, with you Im so full of patience, withholding every desire to come and say something what it mean to show the love inside my heart.

So I wrote everybit of my heart to screen as to escape from the act to reach out or tell you something, I have to be sure of the right time, and the right moment, cause it will be a lifetime. Now, I embrace you with the time …

leaves and flowers greeted me, the moment I came

As My Love

As my love for you turn into fragarance of wisdom, help me not to rush, not to blurt out what in my heart


patiently waiting

when the moment is right.

I dont know now. I hope when the time come. I”ll be ready and you-ll be ready.

We sail to the ultimate goal of love happy together bring happiness to other too.

For we are living in heaven created in Nuswantara